The C-Word…..

No…..we’re not talking about Covid. Or Corona. We’ve had more than enough of that chat over here at MDD. We’re talking the other C-word. The one that almost seems to be good to be true to even mention just yet. We’re talking Christmas!

I think it’s fairly safe to say that for pretty much everyone, 2020 has been truly rubbish! We’ve experienced things that are unlikely to ever again be repeated in our lifetime. Zoom Quizzes, and Houseparty. The Imagine Video, Joe Wicks Workouts, Run 5 – Donate 5 – Nominate 5. Banana Bread, Sourdough Starters, Pasta Shortages. The Queen’s Speech, The NHS Clap, The 5pm Briefings. That cool TikTok, and that other cool TikTok.

What an ‘unprecedented’ few months!

Now….let us be completely honest with you, normally we are a Christmas free zone until AT LEAST Mid November. Years of working in visual merchandising mean that Helen is normally all Christmas-ed out by the end of October. Trimming up Christmas Trees in shop windows and having Bublé on repeat from Mid September will do that to a girl.

However, having said all of that, this year we are making an exception. We don’t know about you, but however we end up celebrating Christmas this year, what we do know is that we’re going in on it big time! December is the glitter covered beacon we’ve got our sights firmly set on.

The tree will be bigger than ever, the lights will be plentiful, the turkey will be MASSIVE and we fully intend to make every hot drink we have ‘Irish’ if you know what we mean!

With all of that in mind, we’ve also put our heads together to talk about how we can continue to spread the Make Do Drink magic this festive season. We did think about hosting ‘rule of 6’ friendly workshops, but with Boris (There may be another C-word relevant here…..) changing his mind at the minute as much the weather, we just don’t want to risk it and let anyone down.

So……what we can do, is bring the craft to you!

We started Make Do Drink to meet people, get them together and show them a good time. Now although that can’t happen in person this year, virtually, we can still spread the joy.

We’ve been prepping for a shoot this weekend where we’ll hopefully capture all our Winter ideas, and we can’t wait to start sharing everything with you as soon as we can.

We’re thinking lino prints, scrunchies, tie-dye and of course, where everything started for us, wreaths! All delivered to your front door for you to get involved in from the Covid-safe comfort of your own home!

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